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Welcome to Jenipher Wellness

I may be late to the blogging world but I’m right on time for me


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Read that title a couple of times. Notice anything? It’s a fact that blog writing has been around for a long time now, but that doesn’t mean my time isn’t right. In fact, I’m right on time. That’s where the compassion comes in. That’s where we heal.

I’ve been posting for almost 2 years around My Mold Journey, which frankly has turned into a whole health journey and an awareness of our toxic world, and healing in it. A desire to do better. To see the world get better. And to help you in your journey and watch people fall in love with themselves and life.

Listen, if I read what I’m writing 5 years ago, heck, even 2 years ago, I would want to vomit in my mouth. I would’ve been triggered AF. I was so wrapped up in being sick, not knowing what was wrong, being mad at the world, being disappointed in my body, hating life, wondering why all this shit was happening to me, to us, which I will get into one day, just not right now.

I was a victim.  I was angry. I was living in a state of fight or flight. I was so busy working, ignoring all the signs, comparing my life, and putting my happiness in everyone else’s hands, that I truly forgot about myself.

Me. What did I need? Who was I? What life did I want? I was on a hamster wheel, getting sicker by the moment. And I had never been taught to trust, lean into my intuition, and love myself.

It sounds hokey. But it was layers of trauma and life experience that needed to be unpacked. I did it. I’m still doing it. But the greatest thing I did these past 2 years was to truly practice self-compassion.  I learned how to talk to myself. How to appreciate me. How to honor my feelings. Be my best friend. My own cheerleader.  My personal advocate.

That’s why I’m here now. On my time. Perfectly fitting for my purpose. Which is to share all the golden nuggets and hard truths of my journey.  To inspire, spread hope, and guide you in healing.

Baby steps, folks. Movement is movement.  No matter how slow, even if it’s a sidestep or backstroke. Thank yourself. Thank your body. You are here. And wow, you can create a glorious life! Believe it. You may feel so far from this truth today, and that is all ok, but I promise you, healing is possible. You got this.

Welcome to Jenipher Wellness.  Just the beginning of a glorious ride. I feel it in my bones and I’m so grateful to have you here with me.

Hope and healing, with happiness,

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